Religious Aspects of Sexuality by Samantha Garcia
Historically, most structured Religions have some sort of moral code against homosexuality and anything out of the heterosexual "norm" such as transgender, bisexuals, transsexuals etc. For example Christians see activism and the fight for equal rights for the gay community, as "political immorality". Words of the Bible condemn homosexuality and as for Catholicism, it is considered one of the most grave sins to be committed. There are protests that still happen all over America to this day against homosexuality and for Proposition 8. Things have definitely progressed but as a society, we are still very far from equality.
Catholicism Vs. Homosexuality
- Believes marriage can only be between a man and a woman
- Same-sex marriages considered not a favorable environment for children to be raised in
- Homosexual activity = "moral disorder"
- Homosexual acts= "contrary to natural law" It doesn't produce life therefore it is against God's intentions that was meant for sex
- Leaders (bishops, priests, cardinals etc.) of the Church have actively campaigned against same-sex marriages
Stance: Completely opposed
Westboro Baptist Church Vs. Homosexuality
The Westboro Baptist Church is an extremist group, known as a "hate group". Their main purpose is protesting against the gay community and "Gay America". They are highly homophobic and believe that God in fact hates America because of how it has progressed in the acceptance of the gay community. They believe every death, shooting, or mass murder was "God's punishment" for all of the progressive activity that has been happening in America. They do things as extreme as picketing the funerals of dead soldiers because they have fought for the country. They believe God intended for them to die to punish them for trying to protect what they like to call "Fag America". They are highly recognized for their offensive signs they use to picket almost every day.
The children are also highly involved in the process of picketing. They teach them these values from day one.
Stance: Viciously Opposed
As for progression, America has come a long way in the gay community. Now we have organizations and parades that fight for equal rights and celebrate LGBT pride. But when it comes to religion and structured religious practices, the traditions stay alive and so do the people who practice them. This doesn't stop the fight for equality and the progressive education that continues to make a change in the world.